Monday, October 11, 2010

Mid-October Updates

Sorry for no posts for so long, I'm actually not really sure what I've been doing that's kept me so busy, but I'm sure it was something important.  Since my last update (I know you were all really excited about my hair cut...):

  • I took my midterm exam.  So exciting, I know.  I think it went well.  I spent a fair amount of time killing myself studying.
  • I found BOMB Mexican food near work, this place called Taqueria Nacional about two blocks away.  They have really good Yucca Fries, and really awesome cheap tacos.  I may never go to Chipotle again (whaaaaatt???)
  • I ate so many chips I thought I was going to vomit once.  I went with my roommate to this restaurant to meet her friend and his girlfriend for drinks on Friday, but since I can't drink, my brilliant solution to the awkwardness was to eat everything in sight.  Clearly this worked well.
  • I'm sick. Sucks. My nose is raw, and I'm quickly running out of stolen toilet paper to mitigate the nose-flow.  Also, I now talk like an 80 year old smoker/13 year old puberty boy.
This post comes because I'm supposed to be writing a memo outlining what I would suggest as an effective communications strategy for the President's economic policy.  So I spent all weekend in the Reading Room coughing up a lung and reading the testimony of various economic scholars on the president's economic policy.  I think I get it.  I wonder what percentage of America really doesn't...

So essentially, I'm having a stupid week.

Although, I was realizing today that I'm about 6 weeks into my program, meaning it's about half over.  I'm kind of bummed about this for a lot of reasons, probably mostly because I wish time didn't move so fast, but also because I feel like I'm finally starting to hit my groove.  I'm actually working really hard (whhaaaatttt????) and also really enjoying the things I'm doing and my friends here (I think I maybe actually should buy a camera, because I'm starting to want photographic evidence that I was here).

So this is a really dumb post.  I hope nobody comments on it.  I'll try to do something exciting and with photos this weekend!

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