Friday, August 20, 2010


So today, I spent the first full day in Washington since getting here.  Actually, lets go back and recap some things...

This summer was probably one of my favorite summers so far (although, it's really not that hard to beat out years of summer school classes taken for funsies and band camp...).  I spent all of June at home in LA, hung out with the fam bam, walked the dog, you know, good times.  My dad hooked me up with a dude he knows who does gay rights work, who then found me a pretty sick internship with this group called HONOR Fund, which does advocacy for Latino LGBT rights and community outreach to try to get Latino communities to like gay people better (and to try to get white gay people to like Latinos better and stuff).  Anyway, so that was really cool.  Also, we went to Minnesota for a family reunion in Iowa...

No, no, it was fun.  Family is nice.

Anyway, so after that, CB happened to me.  And the Walker Street kids took me in.  Tufts is a good place to be in the summers.  I'm trying to figure out how to sum up summer in Boston properly, but I really just can't.  It was probably the most fun I've had during summer maybe ever. Plus I made the cash monies, which my parents were excited about.

But then August 18th rolled around, and I had to store my stuff in the house I'm living in during the spring in the morning and then run out to the train station to grab Amtrak out to Washington at 11.  Morning was hectic and sweaty, but I've never taken the train before, so I really enjoyed that.  I slept through most of Connecticut, but looking out the window from about Stamford to Washington was pretty beautiful.  I spent most of the 8 hours watching Veronica Mars and reading Wikipedia articles I had loaded the night before, so it was a good time overall.

About 7:30, got into Union Station.  Awesome. Here's what it looks like.

Well, I mean, it sort of looks like that.  There are a lot of shops inside.  So then from there, I considered taking a cab, but I'm cheap as hell (as most know), so I took the Metro.  It was actually kind of sweet, but I had a couple of large awkward shaped bags, so I got a lot of funny looks and required a fair amount of help getting on and off the train.  Similarly, I had trouble finding campus once I got off the Metro, but Andrew came and helped me find my way. 

Our stop is off the Metro Red Line at Tenleytown.  There's a really long escalator with an undetermined number of steps, but it's kind of scary descending.

So both Andrew and I are living in Tenley housing in Capital Hall, which houses both a gym and an auditorium.  Tenley housing is an off-shoot of the American University campus, but there are shuttles to get you quickly to and from campus, and it's much closer to the Metro and a lot of the local dining. 

Anyway, so my Mom came out to help me move in and hang out in the city with me, so we spent some time today on the mall, which was so impressive.  I didn't realize how cool it would be to see touristy things like the Capitol building and the Washington Monument and the White House in person, but it makes me feel really excited about the semester.  And we went to dinner with her crazy friends who are super intelligent radical Latino rights people (all white, interesting...).  We'll see, I'm kind of thinking this is going to be awesome.

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